There are many who, by way of contempt, call the word the outward, and sometimes the dead letter. They suppose, when a sinner is converted, some extraordinary operation, which is not always connected with the word, must take place. They in particular teach so, who believe the doctrine of absolute, unconditional election and reprobation. If they do not, why then do they teach a two-fold call, common and effectual ? The external preaching of the gospel, they say, is the common call, which also extends to the reprobate ; yet so that there is not a sufficient internal grace connected with it that could save them. Effectual calling, they say, is when the word is preached, and they are infallibly saved. Thus they separate the word and the spirit : hence the gospel, when it reaches the ears of the reprobate, would be no more than man's word, and therefore not the genuine gospel.
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