David Henkel Reader

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Available Titles

Carolinian Herald of Liberty Religious and Political.

Or, a Testimony against attempted measures, which in their nature are calculated to lead to the establishment of Popery among Protestants... .

Blogging in Progreess at David Henkel Reader
Begun January 17, 2007


Heavenly Flood of Regeneration.

A Treatise on Holy Baptism.

Blogged at David Henkel Reader
Since 2006


Answer to Mr. Joseph Moore, the Methodist; with a few Fragments on the Doctrine of Justification.

Available from Lutheran Legacy


Against the Unitarians.

Available in print from Repristination Press


the Reverend David Henkel's Obituary.

Available in the History of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod



The following ORATION is published as a precaution against a plan which was proposed by a Committee appointed by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania, assisted by an individual from this State, at Baltimore, A. D. 1819. It is by no means intended to ridicule all the ministers of that venerable body : The strictures in said Oration are rather intended, (with the exception of a few sentences,) to censure their motives as much as their proposed measures. I have reason to believe, that the plan was not maturely contemplated by all who voted for it. I have ... yet understood, that said plan has been adopted by a majority of Synods in the United States. Agreeably to this, there must be a goodly number who think with me in this case. The Synod of Ohio, if my information by some of my northern correspondents be correct, are decidedly against it, and the Synod of New York concurring in the same sentiment. I must yet observe, that the Synod of Pennsylvania have hitherto endeavored to support a good character. Their Evangelical Magazine, indeed, (with one exception, which is noted in the following Oration,) breathes the pure spirit of the Gospel, and displays genuine knowledge and piety in the writers. No doubt the intentions of many were good, when they purposed to cultivate a more intimate union with us of the remoter States, by the establishment of a General Synod : howbeit, they may be assured, that as many of us as know our Lord are already closely united–no human bulwark can make us more so. Our affections will also be much stronger towards them, provided our present mode of Church government be preserved. Let them not attempt to deviate from the Augsburgh Confession of Faith, and our love and union shall never be clouded.


Lincoln County, N.C. 1820.

Available Titles

Carolinian Herald of Liberty Religious and Political.

Or, a Testimony against attempted measures, which in their nature are calculated to lead to the establishment of Popery among Protestants... .

Blogging in Progreess at David Henkel Reader
Begun January 17, 2007


Heavenly Flood of Regeneration.

A Treatise on Holy Baptism.

Blogged at David Henkel Reader
Since 2006


Answer to Mr. Joseph Moore, the Methodist; with a few Fragments on the Doctrine of Justification.

Available from Lutheran Legacy


Against the Unitarians.

Available in print from Repristination Press


the Reverend David Henkel's Obituary.

Available in the History of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod




Religious and Political :

Or, a Testimony against attempted measures, which in their nature are calculated to lead to the establishment of Popery among Protestants... in an ORATION. There are also other subjects inserted in this little Work highly interesting to the Lutheran community.


Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, residing in Lincoln Co. N. Carolina.

" Nam mysterium jam operatur iniquitatis, solum tenens nunc donec e medio fiat"
" Et tunc revelabitur ille exlex, quem Dominus interficiet spiritu oris sui, et destruet illustratione adventus sui," &c.


